Leading the way
Since 2001, Apeks Supercritical has been designing, refining, and manufacturing botanical oil extraction systems utilizing subcritical and supercritical CO2 — a cleaner, safer, purer, and faster way to extract plant oils. Constructed by a team of experienced engineers and fabricators, systems range from Introductory to High Production systems, expandable up to 80-liters.
See What We Have to Offer
We are advancing the impact of CO2 extraction by expanding its applications with systems designed for cost-effective, efficient and versatile processing, capable of large-scale production.
We’re bringing CO2 extraction to the masses.
Something for everyone
We cater to start-up companies as well as established, high production facilities, and can help any customer scale their business. Apeks CO2 extraction systems feature: lights-out automation with internet messaging and automated controls, the patented Apeks Valveless Expansion Technology (no clogging), and Diaphragm Compressor Technology (20 to 50% faster extractions while consuming half the power). The 5000psi Production Series also utilizes the Apeks Dual-Phase Pumping System (gas and liquid) for two times the speed of extraction. Other advantages include: simple fractional extraction and cold separation processes which preserve volatile oils for higher-quality and higher-quantity yields, two levels of safety protection, data-tracking capability, and CO2 recovery (up to 95%) — all supported by comprehensive onsite and virtual training.