To help plan your extraction rooms, here is a list of dimensions and components you’ll need to house your Apeks systems:
Temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit minimum, 80 degrees maximum
Electrical cabinets: 3′ clearance in front
Room dimensions: 20′ x 20′ x 8′ ceiling height (this size accommodates lab equipment)
Space around all Apeks equipment: 3′ around each piece
Floor: cement to anchor Diaphragm Compressor to floor
Door size: minimum 36″ wide, minimum 72″ high
CO2 monitor: install somewhere in the room
Signage: 7″ x 10″ sign: “Danger! Potential oxygen deficient atmosphere”
For more information on how to prepare your processing space, contact
Visit this page for more information: Space and room requirements for Apeks systems